Access to the best original gay content on the web. See all the unsuspecting Men that have been baited into the bus. Our hot model gets them in and our stud on the sly takes care of the rest.
- Full length movies of each model broken down into clips or streaming formats for your convenience with accompanying pic galleries.
- See for yourself how these straight men react after finding out that they just got a blowjob from a man!
Hey guys what's going on? This week we have a new and interesting episode for all of you. Well what happened was that we were looking for some fresh meat for Jamie (like always) and we really couldn't find anyone at all. Jamie was extremely horny, so I proposed for him to let Cameron fuck him in the ass with a strap on. He had to think about but he really had no choice, he was horny and he wanted to get off. We headed for the sex store and bought a nice little strap on. It was really funny but it was also very hot to watch these two fuck. I suggest you guys do not miss this one.